viscositeit - druk coefficienten
dimensie [1/GPa] 38 ēC 99 ēC 149 ēC
advanced ester 15.2 13.8 13.4
formulated advanced ester 18.4 14.8 12.2
polyalkyl aromatic 20.3 17.4 14.5
synthetic paraffinic oil 28.4 26.9 25.5
synthetic paraffinic oil + antiwear 28.4 26.9 25.5
C-ether 14.5 9.1 7.4
super refined naphtenic mineral oil 30.8 18.1 13.4
synthetic hydrocarbon (traction fluid) 31.5 13.6 15.0
fluorinated polyether 44.6 43.8 43.5
*Roelands, D.J.A. (1966), "Correctional aspects of the viscosity- temperature- pressure relationship of lubricating oils, Druk, V.R.B., Groningen, Netherlands
viscositie - druk coefficienten
40 ēC 40 ēC 100 ēC 100 ēC
sebacate 10.7 14.2 2.8 11.6
santotrac 50 28.4 28.7 4.6 16.5
santovac-5 5P4E 266 35 15 14.9
HVI-650 450 27.5 27 17.5
Evans, C.R. (1983), "Measurement and mapping of the rheological properties of elastohydrodynamic lubricants", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Cambridge.